JROTC is showing up and showing out!!
WC JROTC attended the Mountain Home Drill Meet and came away with some hardware.
Color Guard: 4th place
Unarmed: 4th place
Armed: 2nd place
Stem: 1st place
Academic: 3rd place
Armed: 3rd place
Physical Fitness:
Individual: SU E'Niyah Dement
SU & PU 3rd place
400X1: 1st place
OVERALL: 2nd place
Navy drill competition ribbon: Baby Bomber competition
TOP CADET: Trinity Mitchner

WCHS JROTC Awards Banquet 2024
It was raining AWARDS today! Congratulations to all of the award recipients!
Thank you Major Small and Sergent Stocker for your tireless leadership!
There will be a lot more pictures to follow..
#JROTCCats #honor #WCfamily

Congratulations to Chryshawn Savage!!
Chryshawn is heading to West Virginia State! Chryshawn is an outstanding sprinter for Watson Chapel. Coach Strickland calls him one of the "most hard working and dedicated kids I've ever been around." We are Watson Chapel PROUD!
#fastcat #extendeducation #Stinger #WCfamily

We're hiring and would love for you to join our team! Apply at wc-web.k12.ar.us. We look forward to receiving your application.

Watson Chapel Food Services are developing menus for next school year. We sent surveys to students in grades 6-12. One of the most common comments was to offer more fresh foods vs processed foods. So we will be working on that, as well as looking into other changes we can make.
Parents for all grades, we would love to hear from you as well. Our survey link is https://forms.gle/CJoZpk7UQZS8xHPp7
Thank you :)

Congratulations to the following 2024-25 WCHS Cheerleaders and Steppers!
Madison Bagby
Tianna Butler
Khamiya Cooper
Kamiah Fair
Ja’niyah Goins
Lauryn Goodloe
Ken’Zyria Hampton
Leah Jackson
Ja’Niya Johnson
Kirah Johnson
Antwaniq Newman
Ahmiyah Redix
Fannie Smith
Ma’Roge Smith
D’Kaila Williams
Carrington Jackson- Captain
Jessica Parker-Co-Captain
Mariah Sims- Co-Captain
Alexandria Burnett
Anejia Byrd
A’Miracle Frazier
Ramiya Mahogany
Mar’Yana Mallett
Diamon Parks
Lilchelle Phillips
Brooklyn Scarver
Jerah Samuel
Kari Courtney- Captain
Antayvia Cole

Congratulations to the following 2024-25 WCJH Cheerleaders and Steppers!
Aubrey Bearden
Rhilee Bishop
La’Kyah Buckner
La’Mia Buckner
Jordyn Ellison
A’Niylah Green
London Heard
Janesa Jackson
Kaylie Pulling
Ta’Lyn Shelton
Chassidy Terrell
E’Miya Watkins
Alizah Brooks
Christopher Harris
Ka’Niya Parker
A’leigha Parks
Faith Smith
Kamariya Savage
Dariyen Williams
Desirae Williams
Deyonna Williams

WCSD will hold a special board meeting on Thursday 3/28/24 at 6:00pm.

Watson Chapel Cafeteria's Fruit of the Month for March was Mangos!! Both our students and our staff loved them. They are a healthy snack choice but many people don't know how to prepare them. Mangos have a large seed in the center that you need to cut around.
If you squeeze a mango and it gives slightly, it is ripe. Unripe mangos are very firm and sour/tart. Ripe mangos are the sweetest.

March is Music in Our Schools Month!! We proudly present Watson Chapel Choir Member Allahni Branch and her exciting trip to Carnegie Hall in New York City, New
On February 7-11, our Watson Chapel High School Choir Member and Honors Performance Series (HPS) Honor Choir Finalist, Allahni, and her companions, participated in the Honors Performance Series (HPS) International Honor Choir event. This was a well organized activity!
Allahni enjoyed her first flight on an airplane from Little Rock’s Clinton National Airport to Atlanta’s Hartsfield Jackson International Airport, and on to New York’s JFK International Airport. She was accompanied by Her Mother Joye Branch, her grandmother Jessie Clemmons, her choir director Janet Johnson, and Mrs. Johnson’s husband Rev. Dr. Daniel W. Johnson.
Day 1, February 7, was a travel day. Once at JFK, we were met by a representative from HPS named Rita. We rode the HPS Shuttle to the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. Once we arrived, we had a finalist and family member check-in with the HPS Staff. Afterwards we headed out for dinner on our own.
Day 2, February 8, the finalists had rehearsal at the hotel, and the families were guided to the subway for a trip to Lower Manhattan to visit the 911 Memorial, Ground Zero, the 911 Reflection Pool, the Oculus, Central Park, St. Joseph’s Church, Wall Street, The New York Stock Exchange, Radio City Music Hall, The National Museum of History and Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Statue of Liberty.
Day 3, February 9, the finalists rehearsed and the families rested in some, but by 10:40 we were given an opportunity to sit in on the choir rehearsal for 30 minutes! What great music they made! At 11:30, we walked 5 blocks to the historic Carnegie Hall for a guided tour! That night, we attended a Broadway musical called Hades Town with our finalist (while some groups attended Hamilton or Wicked). We visited
Rockerfeller Center and went to the Top of the Rock for a look at NYC at night!!! Spectacular City!!!!!!
Day 4, February 10, was Concert Day! By 12:45 p.m. we gathered downstairs to be meet the shuttle bus to Carnegie Hall! The concerts began at 2:00 p.m. first the Orchestra, then the Treble Choir, and finally the SATB Honor Choir. Our finalist shined bright with the 184 singers from 44 states and 4 countries! They sang like angels, conducted by the awesome and amazing Dr. Jeffery Ames! After the concert, we boarded a big yacht for the Celebration Concert Cruise down the Hudson River with spectacular views of New York City and the Statue of Liberty!!!
Day 5, February 11, was our travel home day. We are thankful for the Honors Performance Series and the Carnegie Hall New York experience.
The HPS staff and team made us feel like family. We thank Delta Airlines for safe and timely flights, we thank those who supported Allahni, and most importantly, we thank God for providing perfect weather, safety, and the opportunity to participate in the
Honors Performance Series in New York City.
#singingcats #newyorknewyork #WCfamily

The Watson Chapel JROTC Program for Accreditation (JPA) was conducted on March 13, 2024. Representatives from the United States Army Cadet Command 5th
Brigade from Fort Sam Houston, Texas conducted the inspection.
The inspection included two formal briefings by the cadets and a review of cadet portfolios, Instructor portfolios and interviews with cadets concerning JROTC curriculum knowledge. It also included an In-Ranks inspection as well Color Guard and Drill. This level of inspection is performed every 2-3 years and determines if the school will continue to have an accredited JROTC program.
Our students did an outstanding job scoring at 97.25 % earning the designation “Honor Unit with Distinction”. This award goes to units who held a very high standard, and puts the Watson Chapel JROTC program as an excellent program in the state and the nation. Watson Chapel JROTC has over 47 years of excellence!
Watson Chapel JROTC is led by MAJ Small and Sergeant First Class Stocker. Thank you for EXCELLENT leadership!! #JROTCCATS #EXCELLENCE #WCfamily

Please join us tonight for some important information.
#makingadifference #WCfamily

Be Pro Be Proud Draft Day Event:
Thank you Mr. Whimper, Mrs. Sampson and Mrs. Dismuke for taking our WC scholars to an event that will shape their lives! Mr. Whimper is Watson Chapel's College and Career Coach. Mrs. Sampson and Mrs. Dismuke are English teachers at Watson Chapel. They are making a difference!! #investinginfuture #careers #WCfamily

Be Pro Be Proud Draft Day Event
Watson Chapel was among several state-wide high schools that participated in the Be Pro Be Proud Draft Day on March 12th at the Pine Bluff Convention Center.
The Be Pro Be Proud Draft Day event matches regional employers with graduating seniors for real interviews while providing Career and Training Exploration in the Career Expo for underclass students. The primary goal of the event focuses on building tomorrow’s workforce and taking students from high school to being hired.
Central Moloney, Incorporated was the presenting sponsor for the event. In addition to Central Moloney, other companies such as Union Pacific Railroad, Riceland Foods, Inc., Baldwin and Shell Construction Company, Reynolds Construction Company, Mondi Group, Hampton Inn Hotels, Lexicon, Dassault Falcon Jet and Doggett Freightliner also participated in the event. #hireWC #BeProBeProud #WCfamily

Wildcat Warriors! Congratulations to Kayden Rowland (8th grade), Leo Toney (6th grade) and Janesa Jackson (7th grade) for being chosen Wildcat Warriors! They were honored at the WC Board Meeting last night. They are pictured with WC Junior High Asst. Principal, Mrs. Mauldin and Superintendent, Mr. Tom Wilson.
Keep up the great work!! #PBIS #ROAR #WCfamily
Photo credit: I.C. Murrell and the PB Commercial

Congratulationis to Mrs Tonya Sterling! Our Coleman Elementary School Nurse was chosen as the WCSD Wildcat Warrior for March! She was presented with a certificate and a free lunch from Leon's Catfish and Shrimp Restaurant. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the WCSD. Honoring Mrs. Sterling are District Nurse Kimberly Williams and Superintendent Mr. Tom Wilson. #WCfamily
Thank you Leon's Catfish and Shrimp Restaurant!
Photo credit: I.C. Murrell and the PB Commercial

March is Music In Our Schools Month! We are extremely proud of our very own musicians in the Watson Chapel Wildcat Golden Wave Band and our Wildcat Singing Cats Choir!!
In celebration of Music In Our Schools Month and Women’s History Month, March 1, 2024, was a perfect time to welcome the Marian Anderson String Quartet to visit the music appreciation classes at Watson Chapel Jr. High School. This was an up close and personal experience with the musicians. Students were invited to participate by performing with the quartet. It was very interesting and engaging, and the music was very beautiful and exciting. Students asked and answered questions about the music they heard. Two students (Zoe Coleman and Kenneth Chambers) played along on the violin!
Choir Director, Janet Johnson states, "I am thankful for the partnership with Ms. Katherine Williamson from the Chamber Music Society of Little Rock for bringing the Marian Anderson String Quartet to Watson Chapel. We look forward to partnering with the Chamber Music Society again! Happy Music In Our Schools Month and Happy Women’s History Month!! "
The Marian Anderson String Quartet musicians are: Prudence McDaniel (cello), Deidra Lawrence (viola), Marianne Henry (1st violin), and Nicole Cherry (2nd violin).
#singingcats #music #WCfamily

Do you know that March 4- 8th is National School Breakfast Week? All Watson Chapel students eat breakfast at no charge. Our breakfasts include breakfast grains, fruit, fruit juice and milk every day.

The Watson Chapel Combined Choir scored a composite Level 2 Excellent rating on their stage and song performance, and a Level 3 on their sight reading.
A word from Choir Director, Janet Johnson:
"We were not recommended for State Festival this year. That’s ok. The music we made together today and knowing we did our best makes us successful. We received lots of positive and constructive feedback from the judges to help us going forward. There’s always room for improvement. It’s the biggest room in the house, right? I just want these Wildcats to keep singing,"
Great Job Wildcats! #singingcats #onecat #WCfamily

Inclement Weather Makeup Day Plan:
Days 1 & 2 will be made up on Wednesdays. Students will NOT be dismissed early on Wednesday for the remainder of the year.
Days 3 & 4 will be made up on May 29-30.